Walkden Methodist Church is located in Walkden, Greater Manchester. It is a family orientated Methodist Church at the heart of the community in Walkden.

Methodism within Walkden has been at the heart of the community for over 200 years in which the original Walkden Methodist Church was located on the same site as the Church today!

Over that last few years we have under gone a drive to grow in our community and become a more focused community Church. This is making large positive benefits in our community with recently improving the facilities that the church has to offer as well as looking at ways of out reach and supporting our community. In addition to the work on our buildings we also have been working hard on developing our local links with our community with positive success.

We offer a warm welcome to anyone who anyone who joins us in worship or one of our events throughout the year. With a strong membership of circa 110 from babies to the elderly in which we aim to cater for the requirements of all generations.

So we would be more than glad of welcoming you either at our Sunday morning services or other events we hold throughout the year.

Our Mission Statement.


Putting WORSHIP OF GOD at the centre of all we do

CARING & NURTURING all those involved in church

Expressing our Christian concern BY ACTION IN OUR WIDER COMMUNITY


Our vision plan for the next 5 years is to in still traditional Christian values at the heart of our community, whilst spreading the word of God in a way which relates to all ages and backgrounds. With our newly developed extension we want to support as much as possible community orientated groups by providing facilities that can be used by all.

We follow and keep at the heart of our church The Methodist Church Our Calling